The Otology and Neurotology Section of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngolgy Head Neck Surgeos and the Department of Otolaryngology Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poznan have organized the 5th International Conferece OTOLOGY 2015, which had place at 16-18 April 2015 in Torun. 400 participants and over 70 representatives of 32 companies had took part. The integral part of this event was a meeting called "Baha forum" which started at 15th April and had 94 participants. It was organized by companies Medicus and Cochlear.
At the first day of the Conference there were 3 different workshops with 15-20 participants. At the afternoon there were 2 scientific sessions with the best 10 European Otologists. Everyone has presented 20 min lecture. The topics covered the whole otology and neurotology. There were interesting discussions, especially between invited guests. During Opening Ceremony in Artus Court in the evening there was a short concert of 2 violinists.
Next day, Friday, was a long scientific day, with two parallel sessions with oral presentations, two round tables, one satellite session and the Board of the Chairmen of the ENT University Departments. During the first round table, chaired by Prof. Małgorzata Wierzbicka, tumors of the temporal bone were discussed. Second round table was chaired by Prof. Kazimierz Niemczyk and otoendoscopy was discussed.
At Saturday the scientific sessions were held and interesting round table: "Acute otitis media" chaired by Ass.Prof. Jarosław Szydłowski.